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Five Tips for Waking Up Refreshed Daily

Picture this – it’s Sunday morning in the middle of summer, and you’ve just woken up feeling well-rested after a dreamy night’s sleep. The birds are chirping, the air is fresh, and you feel relaxed and ready to take on the day. Sound heavenly?

While we all love mornings like this, the reality is that not every day starts off quite so smoothly. Sometimes, it’s waking up to a loud alarm, kids running into the bedroom or feeling like you had a rough night’s sleep. However, at Premier Inn at Home, we believe that some clever planning and the right bedding can help you wake up feeling refreshed and excited for the day ahead – even on Mondays!

Our bedding bundles are not just game changers because of their comfort, affordability and speedy delivery, but also because they can help improve your sleep routine. If you want to revitalise your bedroom with our tips for a dreamy sleep environment and feel refreshed every morning, keep reading.

Why Is Feeling Refreshed After Sleep Important?

Feeling refreshed after sleep sounds natural, but as a nation of bad sleepers, it’s not always easy. While we understand that a lot of factors go into getting a good night’s rest, there are steps you can take in setting up healthy routines and comfy environments to give yourself the best chance of catching those zzz’s. 

Quality rest helps you tackle the day. Without enough sleep, your physical and mental health will suffer, which means you won’t be performing at your best. 

Your body needs rest to support positive physical development and build energy for the next day. Sleep is also essential for recovering after an illness, helping you get back to your best faster. Cognitively, your concentration and memory can be greatly impacted without enough rest – over time, this can even lead to conditions like stress and depression if you’re always feeling like you’re running on empty. Sleep is like a fuel that powers us through daily challenges, so it’s crucial that we keep the tank full.

How Can You Wake Up Feeling Well Rested Every Day?

Five Tips for Waking Up Refreshed Daily

These tips can make a huge difference to your wellbeing, leaving you feeling rested and empowered. Imagine waking up feeling like your best self every day!

Here are our five tips for feeling refreshed daily:

  • Implement habits for strong sleep: For most of us, some prep work needs to be done to achieve a restful sleep. Introduce some routines to let your body and mind know when it’s time to rest. Some ideal habits include meditating, having a warm bath, sticking to the same bedtime and drinking sleepy tea.
  • Think carefully about your dinner time: Did you know that eating too late in the evening can impact your sleep? If you want to feel refreshed, you need to allow time for your food to settle before sleeping. If your body uses some of your sleep time for digestion, it can impact your quality of rest.
  • Consider light sources: How you wake up is just as important as how you drift off. Light can help you wake up naturally instead of a harsh alarm. In the lighter months, it’s a good idea to use a thinner blind or leave some areas of the window exposed as you go to sleep. Try using a daylight light for darker periods and setting it to a timer. This can mimic natural sunrises, which help the brain feel more relaxed first thing in the morning. 
  • Leave the electronics outside of the bedroom: Cutting down on screen time can really help you drift off. Help your brain unwind by putting down the devices so you can sleep and wake without distractions.
  • Invest in top-quality bedding: Lastly, if you want to wake up feeling refreshed, your sleep environment must be top-quality. One of the reasons that Premier Inn bedding is key to a restful night’s sleep is that it’s designed to promote deep sleep. The bedding that we use and supply is created with comfort and sleep quality in mind, making it the perfect addition to your bedroom!

What Bedding Do We Recommend for a Quality Night’s Rest?

A great way to wake up feeling refreshed daily is to recreate the Premier Inn bedding experience at home. Our super-comfy bedding and pillows will help you get a hotel-quality sleep every night.


Our pillows are a brilliant addition to your bedroom and come in both firm and soft designs. Finding the perfect pillow for a great night’s sleep is key in ensuring you wake feeling refreshed. Make sure you select the right Premier Inn pillow for your sleep style to enjoy a dreamy night’s rest every time!


Our duvets will help you feel cosy all year round. From lightweight summer togs to cosy winter warmers, we believe that the right duvet is essential for sleeping well. The duvets that we use are designed to be great for the summer and winter thanks to their high-quality and breathable materials. 

Mattress Protectors

Our protectors are also brilliant for sleep. By protecting a mattress from any dampness or stains, your sleep environment will be cleaner and more hygienic. 


Lastly, the right mattress can quite literally put a spring in your step! By providing essential postural support, you’ll feel physically and mentally rested. Better mental strength means better moods, which in turn leads to better rest!

Choose Premier Inn at Home Bedding


We hope our tips have inspired you to introduce some new routines for a better rest. And don’t forget – the secret to a luxurious night’s sleep is our Premier Inn bedding!

Shop our bundles now to improve your sleep environment, get a better night’s sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

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